Student Responsibilities
Daily Expectations
When your Chromebook goes home with you overnight, it is expected that you will return with it to school the next day:
- Fully charged
- Secured in the carrying case
- Ready to be used in class

Chromebooks are to be used for educational purposes only.
There will be no expectation of privacy. Lewiston High School will be monitoring how you use your Chromebooks. This includes web sites visited, duration of visits, software/apps downloaded, etc.
You are expected to use this resource appropriately. A Chromebook may be used only by the student to whom it is assigned. Parents are not permitted to use their children’s Chromebooks.
Students should never share their passwords with anyone.
DA Checks
Each Friday during the school year, all students attend a D.A. period. This is when the faculty perform the weekly Chromebook welfare checks, where students can report any problems they are encountering with their Chromebooks (hardware/software issues, physical damage, missing chargers or carrying cases, etc.). Any student that does not bring his/her Chromebook into D.A. checks for two or more consecutive weeks will have their Chromebook remotely disabled, and possibly taken away for two weeks.