The Lewiston High School counselors work with students throughout all four years of high school to explore their interests and develop a post-secondary plan that students may implement upon graduation.

Grade 9 - An introduction to career and interest inventories through Freshmen Seminar classes

Grade 10 - Assessments including: PSAT& ASVABOther activities include: Early College Trips and Career Day at CMCC

Grade 11 - Assessments, including: PSAT, SAT and/or Accuplacer, AP testingOther activities include: Naviance Family Connection college search tools, college fairs, Early College coursework, LRTC courses; & transcript review days with college admission counselors

Grade 12 - Assessments, including: PSAT, SAT and/or Accuplacer, AP testing; ASVAB testing for students pursing careers in the armed forces

Other activities include: Naviance Family Connection, college visits, post-secondary planning meetings with counselors

College Board Assessments

a year ago

Several College Board tests are offered at Lewiston High School throughout the year:

- Offered on one Wednesday in October
- All 10th grade students at LHS take the PSAT
- Any 11th grade student wishing to take the PSAT may do so free of charge (Funded by MELMAC)
- More information on PSAT scores can be found here

- Offered on Saturdays throughout the year
- Students should sign up for the SAT on the College Board website
- Fee waivers are available for some students. See you counselor for more information on fee waivers

- AP tests are offered in the first two weeks of May each year
- Students should speak with their school counselor for more information on AP testing and AP courses offered at Lewiston High School

Early College Courses

a year ago

Applications and directions on how to find course lists are available in the Aspirations Lab.

Who can take Early College classes?- Juniors and seniors in high school- Students with a B/C average or higher- Students passing all of their current high school classes, who are on track for graduation

What are the costs?High school juniors and seniors in the State of Maine may take up to 2 college classes a semester at little or no charge to them. If you did not take a college class this fall then you can take two classes in the spring semester for free.

How do I sign up?Visit the Aspirations Lab, or our website, to get an application. Once the application is complete (signed by you, a parent, and your guidance counselor) return the application to the Guidance Office. You can sign up for college classes right up until the day the class begins, but earlier is better. Many classes fill up quickly, so to have the most choice you should sign up soon!

Maine Educational Talent Search (METS)

a year ago

METS Advisor: Bonnie Lucas

The Maine Educational Talent Search (METS) is a federal education initiative established to encourage more young people to set high academic expectations, stay in school, study hard, and take the courses needed to prepare them for college-level studies.

- Provides students and parents with the preparation and support they need to pursue postsecondary education.
- Encourages rigorous academic preparation by supporting school enhancement.
- Promotes education success for middle and high school students.


Students must be enrolled in the 6th through 12th grades in the targeted middle or high schools; and students and their families must meet income guidelines, and be recognized by school guidance counselors or teachers as facing significant barriers to graduation and higher education.