Summer is (Almost) Here!!
By LHS Aspirations
Wow oh wow, what a year it has been! Cohorts, remote learning, and a few hundred more emails than you really want in your inbox. I am sure ALL of you are ready for a well-needed summer vacation. Lets go!!!
Get those bucket lists ready!
You are never too old to have a bucket list. The best thing about them is they can be as wild or realistic as you want them to be. You can have one jumbo list, or organize it by state, deadline, activities, or price ranges?? So let's take a closer look at what we could do this summer:
If you do not know what a bucket list is, here is a quick definition: "a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime"
Here is "The Ultimate 2021 Summer Bucket List

Crack open a book...or 2
10 Benefits of Reading + why you should read every day:
1. Mental stimulation: reading keeps your brain active and engaged
2. Stress reduction: no matter what kind of day you are having, everything just disappears when you are lost in a book
3. Knowledge: the more books you read, the more information you encounter and become better prepared to tackle any challenge
4. Vocabulary expansion: expand your personal dictionary, or help you learn a second or third language
5. Improve focus and concentration: take a break from the multi-tasking craze and immerse yourself in a book, the world may seem a little bit clearer
6. Free entertainment: today people are always streaming the newest show or movie, prices can start to add up. Walk/run/hop over to the library and grab a stack of books for free!
7. Cheapest way to travel: let's be honest, plane tickets are expensive plus we are still experiencing some hesitations to travel after a year in hiding. A $10 or borrowed library book is your ticket to a new country, a make-believe land, or a historical time period