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The student and their parents are responsible for compensating the school department for any losses, costs, or damages incurred by the school department for violations of School Committee policies and school rules while the student is using technology, including the costs of investigating such violations. The school department assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized charges or costs incurred by a student while using technology at school.

Common Reasons for Bills

  • Lost or Missing Chromebook
  • Damage not covered by Insurance 
  • Chromebook not returned at end of school year

Cost of a Chromebook

  • Lenovo N22 - $186
  • Lenovo N23 - $186
  • Lenovo 100e - $240
  • Acer Chromebook 311 C721 $260

If you have questions or concern regarding a bill please call us at (207) 795-4190 and ask to speak with your student’s grade level administrator. 

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